Mental Health & Wellbeing Support
For children & young people across South Ayrshire
Welcome to South Ayrshire’s Community Mental Health Support for Children & Young People
This site is a hub of information for children, young people, their families & professionals to quickly and easily find out information about the services available here in South Ayrshire. This website also includes information about a wider range of services available nationally, and self-help or education to better understand mental health and wellbeing.
This website aims to enable children, young people and families across South Ayrshire community to become more empowered to manage their own mental health & wellbeing and make the best use of the resources and signposts available for further support to achieve improved functioning and positive outcomes.
If you are in crisis, please text ‘SAC’ to 85258 or call 999 in an emergency.
Our Services

Blether Boxes
The Let’s Blether Box is for primary aged children who have undergone a bereavement.

School Counselling
Through the Scottish Government’s counselling in schools projects, access to counselling is available to kids aged 10+.

Provides sensitive and non-judgemental support to S1-S6 pupils who are at risk of self-harm and support for Parents/carers.

If you’re feeling low or struggling to cope, text ‘SAC’ to 85258 for free, confidential support at any time of day or night.
Case Study
A 13-year-old boy attended the school counsellor as he was having anxiety issues regarding attending school and going to his classes. Building up a relationship with the boy over the initial sessions he was able to open up more about his past and described how he would struggle to form relationships at primary school and this increased when attending the academy.
Mum and Dad had separated when he was young and he would spend the weekend with his Dad which he always looked forward to.
As his anxiety began to decrease, he became more involved in class with subjects he enjoyed, his confidence increased. This progress occurred slowly over many sessions as he was able to express how he was feeling and we focussed on the positives and setting small achievable goals.
As his confidence continued to grow, he attended more classes and started to build relationships with other pupils in his class.
He continued to attend his counselling sessions to talk about his anxiety which had become more manageable. He is now able to work through his feelings using the coping strategies he has learned to help him move forward and deal with his anxiety.